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MyGen Lobbying & Business Consulting Services MyGen Global, LLC - Lobbying Services


Every single day government is making decisions with far reaching implications. Whether you're a business, association, or municipality you have already been affected by these actions. Taxes you pay and regulations you adhere to are constantly subject to change.


MyGen’s focus is on helping our clients take advantage of the many economic support programs enacted by Congress and the various federal and state agencies. We coordinate between Congress, the Administration, and neo-governmental organizations like OPIC (the “Overseas Private Investment Corporation”), EXIM Bank (“Export-Import Bank”); US Agency for International Development (“US AID”), U.S. Department of Transportation (“DOT”), National Transportation Safety Board (“NTSB”), National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”), and other federal and state agencies as well as non-governmental organizations.


It is our business to ensure that your needs are taken into consideration. Having a federal lobbying presence is an absolute necessity in our current economic climate. Projecting a strong and ever-present voice to stakeholders in Congress and the Administration is essential for issues and concerns to be heard. Having one of MyGen’s lobbyists at your disposal will ensure timely responses to government actions impacting your organization. MyGen will work to help you obtain earmarks, stimulus funding, budgetary initiatives, and to encourage positive regulatory change.


MyGen Investigates the Movement for SeatBelts On Busses


For example, in response to a recent inquiry from a potential client, one of our researchers uncovered that the NTSB has been working for 12 years to get the NHTSA to require seatbelts or some sort of restraint system to keep passengers from being ejected from their seats. She further investigated and found that new regulations have been proposed and that the U.S. DOT has allocated budgetary funds for this purpose. Moreover, there is a bill before Congress to require seat belts on all motor coaches, including inner-city buses. Given the spate of recent bus crashes in NY, NJ, and NH involving fatalities of 17 people and injuries to over 50, the bill has a high likelihood of passing.


Significantly, the bill has bi-partisan support. Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, and Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, together re-introduced the legislation that would require seat belts on buses. Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., who chairs the subcommittee on surface transportation, said he will call hearings to speed the adoption of safety rules proposed by the U.S. DOT for charter bus operators. Sen. Lautenberg assailed the DOT for moving too slowly to implement the NTSB recommendations in spite of available budgetary dollars for these purposes. MyGen lobbyists have access to Senators Lautenberg, Bailey, Brown, and Franken – all of whom have been vocal in their support of seatbelts on buses.


The U.S. Department of Transportation has announced a plan to implement the recommendations by the NTSB to install seat belts on busses. If hired by the client, MyGen would work with the Chairwoman of the NTSB, Deborah Hersman, to help DOT create a selection process and criteria for disbursement of the funding to skilled companies with trained Union workers, similar to our potential clients, to retrofit existing busses with seat belts and other safety recommendations proposed by Hersman, the NTSB, and Sec. LaHood. Further, one of our associate lobbyists has relationships with Secretary LaHood. Sec. LaHood has ordered new regulations and is supporting the pending legislation in Congress requiring that all motor coaches have seat belts installed.


According to federal data, there are close to 4,000 companies in the commercial bus industry operating about 34,000 buses. More than half of the approximately 750 million annual passengers are students and senior citizens. At $30,000 per bus to retrofit them with seatbelts, this represents an important opportunity for union workers and others involved in the transportation industry to do a great service to the country while creating jobs and improving the welfare of millions of workers and riders.


MyGen’s Approach to Your Needs

MyGen will:


• Research: legislation, budgetary, & regulatory proposals & funding opportunities;

• Assist our Clients to Benefit from Publicly available Federal budget initiatives;

• Lobby with Congress, Cabinet Members, and Governmental Organizations on your behalf;

• Monitoring & Reporting on Developments on a Consistent Basis: Our Client Management System allows Clients to Review the Notes and Time Entries for our Lobbyists and Researchers so that they can stay abreast of all developments and activities on their behalf;

• Attending Hearings on Your Behalf – Such as Sen. Lautenberg’s Bus Safety Hearing;

• Work with Coalitions of Government Agencies, Non-governmental Organizations, congressional and state leaders, and others;

• Educate Officials and the Public about the Issues Significant to your case.


Federal Lobbying


Our offerings are tailored to meet every government relations need. Whether you are looking to establish a DC presence, closely monitor your important issues, try to get a law passed, or obtain government or private funding for your socially beneficial projects, our cost effective government affairs prices will provide an affordable alternative to the “K” Street lobbyists.


Practice Areas


Businesses Small and medium sized businesses are affected every day by government actions but they can’t afford to pay Microsoft prices for lobbyists. This leaves the products and services they provide vulnerable to onerous regulation and unnecessary restraints. MyGen helps put these businesses in a position to protect their interests and keep a watchful eye on their government. Plus, our firm makes sure you, your successes, and your achievements are a source of pride for your relevant lawmakers.


Associations & Unions


MyGen is the most accessible government affairs option for unions & associations in Washington and throughout the nation. Smaller associations have commonly been overlooked by government and most federal lobbyists. Our team can provide previously unrepresented industries a champion inside the Capitol. Also, our strong coalition building skills provide the larger voice necessary to get your issue heard.




Many non-profits lack a voice in Washington, DC. Non-profits fill voids in society and provide services to the underserved and under privileged. They need to focus on their vitally important missions, but they also need someone whose mission it is to look out for them. MyGen can affordably protect the interests of non-profits and advance their issues before the lawmakers on Capitol Hill.




Federal dollars are extremely important to municipalities, especially in times of economic hardship. Unfortunately, the hundreds of thousands of dollars a month in charges by large lobbying firms are generally too cost prohibitive for most municipal initiatives. Our team understands your needs and offers government affairs services at a price and accountability level consistent with your taxpayer demands. MyGen has a solution that will work for you.


Client Representations


Our clients seek our services and require the utmost of confidentiality. Consequently, unless we have explicit permission otherwise, we avoid indentifying our clients by name. Here is a partial list of the types of clients and some of our important contacts:


• District 9 Local School Board, NYC;

• African- American Police Officers Association – Virginia Municipality;

• The President of Union Local 32BJ;

• The Marriott Corporation;

• A Major Maryland Telecommunications Software Company;

• U.S. Agency for International Development;

• U.S. Department of Transportation;

• An Electioneering and Research Group in South America;

• The International Council of Cruise Lines;

• The Government of Nigeria;

• The Governor of Edo State, Nigeria;

• The Government of Sierra Leone; • The Government of Senegal;

• The Government of Romania;

• Abu Dhabi Investment Authority;

• Dynamic AgroSol, Ltd. – A 37,000 Acres Agricultural Enterprise;

• The Government of Gambia; • Medial Tech, Ltd. – a Korean Technology Company;

• President & CEO of BMG Distribution;

• President & CEO of Universal Music and Video Distribution. Relationships with:

• Various Senators, Members of Congress, and Congressional Aides;

• Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood;

• Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack;

• President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria;

• Overseas Private Investment Corporation;

• Various Senators, Members of Congress, and Congressional Aides.




In today’s economy, access to your elected officials has never been more important. Unfortunately, it also has never been this inaccessible. The average federal lobbyist charges as much as $50,000 - $100,000 per month for undefined services. Most businesses, associations, municipalities, and non-profits have been ‘priced out’ of their own government.


MyGen is different. Our team of federal lobbyists and government affairs professionals are offered to you for on average 70% less than that charged by others. Moreover, we will provide pricing strategies to our clients that will soften the upfront costs through the use of creative success based funding alternatives that join monthly fees with real productivity bonuses that help the clients to ensure that they get what they pay for.


Our Services Include:


• Initial consultation to understand your needs and issues;

• Registering and maintaining status as your federal representative;

• Quarterly meetings with federal stakeholders;

• Formulation of your issue paper used in our meetings;

• Assist in preparation of Business Plans, RFP Responses, RFQ Responses, and Position Papers;

• Receipt of Congressional Climate™ daily emails;

• Legislative Issue Alerts (as appropriate);

• Personally tailored, monthly report;

• Easy access to our Georgetown offices and all of our staff;

• Detailed Congressional bill tracking and analysis, email updates and action recommendations;

• Detailed Congressional regulation tracking, analysis, and e-mail updates;

• Pertinent committee hearing attendance and e-mail updates;

• Thorough evaluation of the legislative or regulatory changes you seek;

• Formulation of a comprehensive plan of attack;

• Strategy sessions to assess and refine efforts;

• Preparation of all required correspondence;

• Drafting of any specific legislative or regulatory language;

• Meetings with federal stakeholders (as necessary);


Minimum Obligation


To properly introduce you to the people in control of funding, legislative processes, and Congressional members and aides, we believe is a process that requires time and seasoning to be productive. Thus we require a six-month minimum commitment to have the time to produce what is needed by our clients.




MyGen Lobbying & Business Consulting Services
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